About Us

Serious and industrious work is no longer enough to get you there since it is imperative to be in the know, alert and mindful at all times of the new developments unfolding in the business sector. For this very reason, these establishments go to great length to usually appropriate massive budgets in order to train their personnel at all levels. Substantial amounts and lengthy hours are pumped in training annually on this aspect in order to attain the required change. However, we strongly believe that this alone is hardly enough.

Vigilance Consulting is a company that invests in depth experience in the labor market of human resources for about 30 years in the various sectors.

Vigilance means in the Arabic language: اليقظة alertness، which is what businesses do sorely need right now in the light of the great stampede and shoving about at all levels. The company offers the public and private organizations the administrative solutions concerned with measurement of training benefits and returns so that the organizations may find out whether the training parameters of their personnel are producing the desired results and whether or not they best serve their operations.

At the same time, Vigilance Consulting offers specialized workshops to decision makers and seek to upgrade and promote their performance levels and acquaint them with their and their competitions’ strengths and weaknesses.

At the same time, Vigilance Consulting employs and takes advantage of its massive and in-depth experience and specialized knowledge in human resources to offer specific services to organizations in this field so as to assist in the testing and selection of the best available elements, conduct personal interviews and establish effective administration systems.

Our Vision

Operate in the spirit and responsibility of partnership with our customers to attain mutual success.

Our Mision

To help our clients with best fit solutions by providing robust professional services.


Is to exert maximum and tireless effort and care to place our customers on the path of success all along the way.


  • Caring and Attention
  • Credibility
  • Innovation
  • Understanding

Our Partners

Because we believe in specializations and communications with the leaders and pioneers at the local, regional and international levels, we at Vigilance Consulting have concluded strategic partnerships with several partnerships and alliances with pioneering institutions which are in tune with the nature of the services we offer. The most salient of these partners are:

  • ROI Institute – United States of America
  • The Center of Socio Economics Development – Switzerland
  • DACUM Training & Consulting – State of Kuwait

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