Finger Print Web Authentication
Amhsoft realize the project web-bio in 2011 for saudi arabia company (Cloudtech), based on java, c and php. the project was designed for very large data, maintained by many servers, the communication between components was realized using web services.
What is web-bio?
Web-bio developed for CloudTech uses the finger print ID to check the identity of the user. This process is done remotely by using the internet, which will truly save time and increase safety & productivity.
How does it work?
Any authorized person in a company or institute can use the electronic ID authentication to identify an individual. The Web-Bio system can be integrated with any built in system that a facility has. All what you need is:
What are the benefits in using CloudTech’s Web-Bio?
- ID recognition electronically at any time & anywhere !
- No installation setup required.
- Browser compatibility system.
- Unique fingerprint readers designed by AuthenTec.Inc.
- Cutting cost by having your central database !
- Very easy to use.
- Endless users