Mobile Commerce

The AMHSOFT approach to mobile is unique among commerce platform providers.

What is M- Commerce?

Mobile Commerce, or m-Commerce, is about the explosion of applications and services that are becoming accessible from Internet-enabled mobile devices.

It involves new technologies, services and business models.

Why M-Commerce?

Shoppers are using smartphones and tablets to make purchases and research products and prices before making a purchase,

meaning that mobile may be an important channel for both earning sales and engaging potential customers

Statistics about M-Commerce?

According to BI Intelligence in January 2013, 29% of mobile users have now made a purchase with their phones.

Walmart estimated that 40% of all visits to their internet shopping site in December 2012 was from a mobile device.

Bank of America predicts $67.1 billion in purchases will be made from mobile devices by European and U.S. shoppers in 2015.

M-commerce Process?

Catalog merchants can accept orders from customers electronically, via the customer's mobile device. In some cases, the merchant may even deliver the catalog electronically, rather than mailing a paper catalog to the customer.

Some merchants provide mobile websites that are customized for the smaller screen and limited user interface of a mobile device.

 The dissemination of constitutionally questionable information is mentioned.

If you are planning to expand your business online, AMHSOFT could be your best choice. We offer you the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art and customized solutions for your e-business.